Be careful! 4 Foods Can Ruin Your Skin Beauty
Be careful! 4 Foods Can Ruin Your Skin Beauty - The habit of eating delicious meals without regard to the content in it is certainly a bad habit that is quite difficult to remove by many people. In fact, the content of the human body and can damage self-inflicted. The skin becomes one body part that is actually quite vulnerable to food that enters the body. Any food that can damage your
skin beauty?
Candy is one of the foods that contain a lot of sugar in it. Eating too much sugar will make the hormones in the body do not work well. Therefore, I wonder if the sugar lovers prone to acne or other skin problems.
For you lovers of caffeine, haraplah cautious. Because, the content contained in caffeine can deplete water in the body thus making you prone to dehydration or lack of fluids in the body. Meanwhile, the skin requires a lot of water to keep it moist and healthy.
In addition to sweet foods and caffeine, one of the foods that can damage the body is food that has spicy taste in it. The content of spicy food can damage the cells of the skin beauty and health is no longer maintained. Especially if the food contains preservatives.
For those of you who like to snack chips or salty crackers, try to reduce the habit. The content of potato chips contain refined carbohydrates instead of native collagen can cause you to experience problems. In addition, the content of
potato chips can cause inflammation and wrinkles on parts of your face