3 steps to check your breasts
Breast cancer is one of the most frightening type of cancer for women. Make no mistake, breast cancer is not only dangerous for women but also for men. Although known as a deadly disease, but breast cancer can actually be prevented. According to the John Hopkins Medical Center about 40 percent of breast cancers are found by patients themselves through regular breast checks.
Knowing a lump in the breast early, although not always mean cancer, it can also save the lives of women. Hence it is very important to check your own breasts regularly. Do not wait for a routine inspection per year with a doctor.
There are many things that cause the appearance of a lump in the breast. Some benign tumors are not only going to develop into cancer, but some can also be dangerous if left and not found in the long term. Meanwhile, there are also bumps that from the beginning it has been shaped breast cancer.
To find out if your breasts are free from all forms of tumors and cancers, done a few ways to check your breasts regularly.
1. When bathing
When taking a shower, take a little time to check your breasts. It would be better if you pick up hand in hand when doing this. Use your fingertips to palpate the breast from the outside in. Move your finger in a circle on the outer part of the breast up to the middle. Then the conjecture is also the armpits. Feel if there is a lump, a part that feels thick or hard knot. If you find three things immediately consult a doctor. Check your breasts regularly both on the same date each month so that you begin to be familiar with your breast muscle and know immediately when there are changes.
2. In front of the glass
Visually check your breasts in the mirror. Place both hands on the side. Then, lift your hands up. Consider the difference in the contour of the breast. Are breast look swollen, or there is a change in the texture of the skin of the breast and the changes in the nipple.
Next, put hands on hips and press firmly to flex chest muscles. Do not worry if the right and left breasts do not look exactly alike, most women's breasts are like that. Look for wrinkles, lumps, or changes on each breast. If there is a change in the contour and texture of the skin of the breast, especially there is a bump, immediately consult.
3. Lying
Put a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right arm behind your head. Use your left hand to examine the right breast. Make a circular motion from the outside of the breast to the inside, just like the way number one. Check also the side of the breast and armpit. Try also to put pressure on the nipple, if there is a strange liquid that comes out or bumps. Do the same with the left breast.
If you find a lump, hard knot, or any changes in the breast, immediately visit a doctor for a checkup. A lump in the breast does not always mean cancer. Usually the doctor will suggest an ultrasound to find out what kind of lump in your breast. Knowing and taking swift action is critical early on before turning cancerous lump is malignant and life-threatening you.