A Natural Insulin for Diabetes
Diabetes symptom which causes no affliction nor many complaints make a great number of diabetes sufferers who do not realize that they have suffered diabetes until they get complication.
When you often feel hungry and thirsty, eat and drink a lot, and urinate a lot; even in one night when it is time to rest you can urinate 3-5 times, then you should immediately check your blood sugar level to a doctor because those are the signs which indicate diabetes.
A diabetes therapy can be done either through medical treatment or using herbs, one of the useful herbs to reduce blood sugar level against diabetes is banaba leaves. Banaba leaves contain Corosilic Acids which can function like insulin in activating the transferring process of blood sugar into the cell, so that blood sugar level decrease and there will be no glucose accumulation. In addition to this, there are still many other herbs that can function in diabetes therapy such as sambiloto Andrographis paniculata, brotowoli Tinospora crispa, cinnamon and West Indian elm Guazuma ulmifolia.
In addition, a good life pattern needs more attention in the process of diabetes therapy. It includes physical activity and diet pattern. At least we have to make 10.000 steps in a day as a physical activity to be secure from diabetes. Make a good food pattern, don't eat too much, eat adequately, avoid greasy food, and consume fresh vegetables and fruits and also don't eat anything 3 hours prior to bed.