How to Enlarge Breasts With Betel Leaves
How to Enlarge Breasts With Betel Leaves - You certainly have known herbs this one. This plant is a climbing vine that has
many benefits. One of them, can be used to enlarge the breast. Plants that we are familiar with betel plant has leaves that are very useful and commonly made for the basic ingredients of traditional herbs.
Betel leaves contain carbohydrates, and proteins. There is also a astiri oil, starch, tanning substances, and kavikol that has deadly germs and acts as an antioxidant. The contents are
very beneficial for your body besides betel leaf has a property to remove the smell of your body, who would have thought that the leaves can also be used as a traditional material to stimulate the growth of your breasts.
If you want to make a concoction of betel leaf, the following will explain how to mix herbs. First of all, take some betel leaves, which is still rather young green and wide. After that, give a taste of coconut oil on the betel leaf. Then warm up with using a candle flame. Then apply on your breasts.
Well, after the herb has been applied to allow it to dry. Treatment in a week and do as much as 2 to 3 times.
Alternatives that one is very possible for you to try, because in addition to betel leaves easy to get, how to make it too is quite simple. So, do not hesitate to try it.