5 The most common cause of cancer
One word that is guaranteed to be the direct cause fear in people, namely cancer. Everyone would be afraid diagnosed by this disease. Cancer can damage the body and health in a way that is scary, fast, and deadly. The process of treatment and healing of cancer is equally frightening.
Unfortunately, statistics show that the disease is currently increasing, and the number of sufferers is also increasing. while researchers continue to conduct research related to the care and treatment of cancer, another thing to watch is the cause.
Here are five things that the most common cause of cancer.
1 Genes
Some types of cancer, such as breast cancer is caused by genes. As experienced by Angelina Jolie who has breast cancer genes BRCA1 and decided to do a mastectomy. If you have family members affected by breast cancer, as a mother, aunt, sister, or grandmother, it's good to see her on a regular basis.
2 Smoking
Chronic smokers often argue that anyone can be affected by lung cancer, even those who had never smoked though. However, statistics clearly show that one in four cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Smoking can cause lung cancer, throat, mouth, and larynx. Not only that, there are many cases of cancer deaths suffered by passive smokers.
3 Carcinogens
The habit of smoking can be one of the habits that make carcinogens into our bodies. But there are other things as well. Carcinogens can form toxic chemicals such as dioxins, benzene, asbestos, vinyl chloride, and others. Some viruses such as HPV can also be one of the natural carcinogens that cause cancer, which is cancer of the cervix.
4 Exposure to sun
Solar radiation is one of the causes of skin cancer. Many people who do not protect their skin from the sun for skin cancer.
5. Age
Age is also one of the most common causes of cancer. The older a person, the higher the risk of developing cancer. No, in fact, 75 percent of new cancer cases occur in people aged over 60 years. One theory mentions that the older, the body's defense against cancer cells decreases.
Those are some common causes of cancer. In addition to the above five cancer can also be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, maintaining health by making good life style is important for preventing cancer, rather than having to treat.